PSI Vol.24,No.1 December 2002 Thesis 2. pp.28-37.
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Some studies of PK metal-bending based on the hypothesis that Qi is a dielectric elementary particle
Akihiko Takahashi
First, I propose the hypothesis that Qi is a dielectric elementary particle. The hypothesis means that Qi is an elementary particle which has dielectric property in a very small size as compared with an atomic size. The elementary particle does an effect as if permittivity of free space increased to substances. So, the elementary particle decreases the hardness of substances.
And several remarkable experimental results about PK metal-bending discovered by Dr. Shigemi Sasaki already exist. The experimental results give very peculiar stress-strain curves. Then, I try to explain the results using the above-mentioned hypothesis by considering that the essence of Nen-power is a dielectric elementary particle.
Expansion of atoms under the influence of dielectric elementary particles is concerned with PK metal-bending. Promotion of the plastic deformation by the increase in dislocation is also concerned. The intensity of metallic bond can weaken by the dielectric elementary particle. It is considered to be the main causes of PK metal-bending.
Key words : Qi, dielectric elementary particle, metal-bending, stress-strain curve,permittivity of free space, lowering of electric potential,weakened metallic bond, expansion of atoms
Received : October 9, 2002
Accepted : November 25, 2002