PSI Vol.16, No1 December 1993 Thesis 5. pp.29-39.
関 英男
Some lntensive Studies in Unified Science
Hideo Seki
Unified science in this paper means the unification of the so‐called material science and the"PSI" science. As Steinmetz suggested, "material things do not bring happiness and are of little use in making men and women creative and powerful. Then the、scientists will turn their laboratories over to the study of spiritual forces which, as yet, have hardly been scratched. When this day comes, the world wil l see more advancement in one generation than it has in the last four.".
Though the unification in this paper is not complete throughout all field of science, but some points in physics, psychology, astronomy and physiology were taken up intensibly.
Now,let us express them more definitely as follows: ----
1. Cosmological lnformation System.
2. Maximum and Minimum
3. Model of the Elementary Particles.
4. Invisible Part of the Brain.
5. Magnetic Field due to Electric Current.
6. Psi Waves to and from our Brain.
7. Theory of Levitation.
8. Psi-Wave Astronomy.
9. Three Laws in the universe.
Received : December 1,1992
Re-received : September 15,1993