PSI Vol.16, No1 December 1993 Thesis 3. pp.17-24.
Paradox of The Third Hand
Sumio Baba
l have two hands and two hemispheres of brain. Then l prepare the third hand and the third hemisphere of brain, which are connected by the nerves. And l connect these three hemisoheres by the artificial nerves equally.
lf l stab the third hand with a needle, do l feel the pain of the third hand? ln where do l feel it?
(1) l don' t feel it.
(2) l feel it in the right and the left hemispheres.
(3) l feel it in the third hemispheres.
Every case of (1)~ (3) must be led to the inconsistency, if we assume that the mind is nothing but the function of the brain. So, l conclude the existence of " soul" which is the nonmaterial substance.
Received : November 18,1992
Re-received : October 1, 1993