PSI Vol.15, No1December1992 Thesis 1. pp.3-30.
Terrestrial (PSI)& No -Terrestrial (UFO) Phenomena
- The Global Scientific Evidence and its Implications for Human Consciousness -

Antonio Huneeus*

The author's personal and profbssional experence in the fields of Psi and UFO phenomena. The link between the biosphere and outer space: from asteroid collisions to theories of "directed panspermia" and "paleo-contact," including an outline of Zecharia Sitchin's hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitation in Biblical and Sumerian times and their link to "Planet X." A brief examination of Psi phenomena: fiom the classical expierences of Emanuel Swedenborg to contemporary research in the USA, the USSR and China. Attempts to categorize and classify diarent types of psychic manifbstations. Use and perils of psychic research for military purposes and a warning by Soviet scientist Dr. VlaiI Kaznacheyev. The link between terrestrial (Psi) and non-terres trial (UFO) phenomena in the work and experence of three great pioneers of the modern scientific era: Nikola Tesla, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Hermann Oberth.

Abstract of the UFO Evidence,
consisting of a brief examination of cases with l. Retrieval of physical evidence(1986,Dalnegorsk,USSR; 1947, New Mexico,USA).
II. Landing traces(1981,Trans-en-Provence,France; 1989,voronezh, USSR; 1980,Rendlesham,England; as well as the crop circle phenomenon).
III. Radar-visual cases involving ground fllcilities and Air Force fighter jets (1952.Washington DC; 1986, Brazil; 1990,USSR; 1990, Belgium).
IV. Electromagnetic eact in automobiles (1985,Chile),trains(1985, USSR) and aircraft (1975,Mexico).
V. Registeredmedia in the formof photographs - (examples fiom every continent as well as a 1988 case in Puerto Rico), motion pictures(1957,Brazil) and videotapes (1985,Chne; 1988, New York City).
VI. Physiological evidence in the form of injuries to the witnesses (1967,Michalak case in Canada; 1980, Cash-Landrum case inTexas; 1969, Bermudez case in Colombia; early 1980s, lethal flap in northem Brazil) and incidents of purported healing following a close encounter (1968,case of Dr. X in France; mid-1970s, case of a truckdriver in Peru).
VII. Abductions: psychological studies and the search for physical evidence to validate the intenal experence reported by witlesses(cases of Kathie Davis in lndianapolis and Jan Wolski in Poland); looking for so-called implants with Magnetic Resonance lmaging(MRI) scanners and a more in-depth examination of the case of Richard Price and the analysis of his retrieved implant.
VIII. A note on aneged alien photographs, including the Montreal model, the llkley Moor case in England, the vallgorguina case in Spain, and the TV screen case in New Jersey.
IX. Brief comments on additional as pects, such as the recording of anomalous sounds and various interpretations to the validity and meaning of the contactee conundrum.
X. Theories, consisting of the author's breakdown of all unknown cases into three tentative categories: 1) Secret weapons and aircraft prototypes; 2)Little known natural phenomena of geomagnetic origin; and 3)True unknowns involving some kind of entities and technology. Final conclusions with a call to create an integrated global data bank with the currently available tools of hypermedia technology; as well as an individual and collective inward look and understanding of Psi energies towards a raise in global consciousness, which seems essential in order to face and overcome the present ecological crisis.

Lecture : October 27, 1991
Received : December 3, 1991
* MUFON International Coordinator live in N.Y.
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