PSI Vol.13, No1 July 1990 Thesis 4. pp.30-31.
Thereetical Consideration of Teleportation
Hideo Seki

Teleportation is a mysterious phenomenon, in which an object or a man disappears at one point and appears at another point. ln the past, there has been no sdentific explanation about it, even in the form of hypothesis. The author tried to explain it as a phenomenon caused by a third being of intelligent demon. ln the case of MaxweIPs demon, the third being only discriminate the speed of the particles and open or dose the door depending on their speed.The demon in the case of the author, memorizes the whole arrangement of the particles under question and controls the movement and phase of the material until appearing at another location. To achieve such action, the demon must have tremendous amount of memory capacity and the ability to control the phase of the partides which constitutes the objed to be teleported.

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