PSI Vol.12, No1 August1989 Thesis 3. pp.25-32.
佐々木茂美* 、小林泰樹* *
The Mutual Interadion of Qi energy between a Qi Gong-healer and a Receiver on Human lnformation Systems.
Shigemi K. Sasaki *, Taiju Kobayashi* *

Eledro-physiological measurements of human body for investigation of the mutual interaction of Qi energy between a Qi Gong healer and a patient were carried out in an eledrical shield room.
Three factors were measured, one is the eledric potential oscillation measured by EEG equipment, second is the micro-vibration(MV)or minor tremor(MT),which was produced on one's palm skin, measured by an accelaration type vibration-pick-up, third is the electric current measured on skin surface by giving 0.5 volt D.C.
Measurements were carried out for three parts: brain, acupoints and non-acupoints of skin.
(1) The eledric potential on meridian system of a Qi Gong-healer and a receiver changed in turn like a seesaw game, When a healer was ejeding Qi energy to a receiver, difference between right and left acupoints' potential, and standard deviation of scattered value of a healer tended to decrease. 0n the contrary, those of a receiver were apt to increase.
(2) As for the variational characteristic of receiver's meridian system during receiving Qi energy, the electric potential on a certain acupoint decreased, and standard deviation tended to increase becase of partial distortion of a cumulative distribution function curve.
(3) While a Qi Gong-healer ejecting Qi energy, the variation of electric potential on autonomic nervous system of both a healer and a receiver was different from that on meridian system, in addition the rate of the fonner variation has shown generally a tendency of being small.
The Frequency taken by measurement of electric potential oscillation were analyzed by computer, and displayed on the power spectrum as FFT analysis. The results were as follows.
(4) The variational characteristic of receiver's brain waves (EEG) and skin electric potential oscillation (SPA) was rather smaII. 0n the contrary their micro-vibration (MV) tended to be activated. That is, the frequency range of MV expanded high and low, and the power was apt to be bigger.

Received : April15, 1989
Re-received : July 15, 1989
* PSI Research Committee, The Univ. of Electo-Comm. (Denki Tsushin Univ.), Chofu, Tokyo 182
* * Member of PSI-energy Research Committee,
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