PSI Vol.10, No2 July 1988 Thesis 3. pp.18-25.
干永昌*(相素貞 訳)
The Open Point Law and the Method of Opening Closed Points in the Acupuncture Time-dependent Qi-Flow Acupuncture
(Shi GO Ryu Chuh Noh Koh Hoh)
Yu Yong Chang*
This paper deals with the condition and processing technique of the open and closed acupuncture points. As is well known, the medical treatment by acupuncture point stimulation is most effective when the point is open. However, the pointopening depends on the time of the day,the period of which is 60 hours. The author has shown the time of opening for each concrete point. Furthermore,he also has studied and explained about the closed points. 0f course, acupuncture clinic shows effective results even though the points are closed. But the results may be less effedive than they are treated under open conditions. Finally, the author has shown two convenient tables to find out the proper time for the acupuncture points.
Received : May 22, 1988
Re-received : June 12, 1988
*略歴 (中国漢方医)1951年2月19日、中国山東省青島市に生まれる。11歳の時から父より中国医学を学び秘伝を継承。16歳より医療気功・鍼・灸・推掌(按摩)・吸玉・脈診及び漢方の処方、調合を行い天才的実力をみせる。