PSI Vol.9, No1 March 1986 Thesis 2. pp.7-9.
A BiologicaI Activity of Anomalous Water arth Special Reference to Bacterial Generation
Norio Yasunaga*
The water which exists between 2 plate-glasses is called "anomalous water" or "super water", and
estimation of its thickness around Å - 100Å. ln a prenminary experiment, a hereditary phenomenon of bacteria through anomalous water was observed. The present study was performed to confirm the phenomenon in more detail.
The snde glass, nutrient agar-medium and bacterial strins, Serratia malcescens IID1052 (19ATU) and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa IID1052 (P15-XII), were submitted for the experiment. The strains of bactrria have
been identined easier, since the former produces red pigment and the latter green pigment.
Two slide-glasses were put in distilled water and sterilized at 121°C for 20 minutes. The slide glasses with
anomalous water were taken out, and the both openings of the long side-line and the central portions of the both surfaces of the slide glasseswere covered with melted wax and solidified. Thereafter, a set of the slide glasses was put in the form of bridge on nutrient agar-medium, removed the majority of its central portion leaving 2 segments from the petri dish. Furthermore, the agar medium or test-bacterium contained one melted at appropriate temperature were poured respectively over the short side-line of slide glasses mentioned above. After incubation at 30°C for 1-2 days the growth of the bacterium on both of the short side-line of the slide glasses was observed in all of 5 experiments each of the strains.
Consequently, the presence of a hereditary mechanism concerning bacWria through anomalous water,
which is so far unknown, suggested; and it is considered that this hypothesis is very significant for the
elucidation of the infection mechanism of pathogenic bacterium, as biological systems are presumed to have an infinite number of gaps containing anomalous water.
Received : September 1,1985
Re-received : November 1,1985
*Please ask an author's contact to a secretariat.