PSI Vol.8, No1 December 1984 An article1. pp.3-5.
Condensed Words for Psi Science
Hideo Seki*
This artide discusses the simple means of explaining "Psi Science". To achieve this target, theauther refered the preliminary words in the text book of psi science by Dr. C.B. Nash(Science of Psi, 1978, Charles C. Thomas. Publisher).
By slighty modifying his implications, the auther tried to condense the explanation sentences asshort as possible:-
"Psi science is an academic realm in which we study scientifically and try to find out true origin or source behind the phenornena emena emerging between minds, between mind and matter, and between matters mediated by a kind of energy which is not yet known to conventional science.
"True health and true happiness, even though you might desire, may not be achieved without moderate understanding of the psi science".
The understandable meaning of each word has been briefly explained in the main article.
* The author is with the unified Science Laboratory.