PSI Vol.7, No1 September 1982 Thesis 3. pp.14-24.
On the venus Method of Non-destructive Planet Development in General
Akira Seto*

The author have found that the Great Bright vibrations radiated from the Great Bright photograph show the radio-beacon-like action and the frying saucers become easily visible by carrying it with us.
The Great Bright photograph shows remarkable effect to purify the spirits who could not enter Nirvana and the contnuous pictures of subnmination of them were successfuny taken.
Original person of the Great Bright photograph is late Master Masahisa Goi. Mr. Eddie T. Watanabe, the contactman ever lived in Denver, Colorado, was told of him by the cosmic angels on the venus mother-ship as a descendant from heaven and this fact was again told by the present author.
"May Peace prevail on Earth", the sentence proposed by the Master Goi can reach the Heaven directly and the autor often found UFO appearing after this prayer, becoming able to take the pictures of them successfully.
"May Peace prevajl on Earth" is a fundamental vibrative incantation which was adopted by the venus for developing Planet non-destructively. The angels on venus, perhaps, may not want to purify directly the Earth undergoing Great Destruction, but they seem to be taking the process or program of developing it harmlessly by resolving the sinful vibrations in the pre-phenomenal World.

Received : August 21, 1982
* First Pathology Department School of Medieine, Showa University
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