PSI Vol.6, No2 March 1982 Thesis1. pp.4-12.
Development of the PSI Experimental System
so as to Suppress Karmic vibrations of the Earth by Great Bright vibrations.
The so-called Great- Bright vibrator independently radiate psi-vibrations just like as radio isotope does the well known rays. The author got one of the G reat Bright photograph in 1981 and developed the psi ray picture on the x-ray film. This kind of rays can penetrate through lead disc of 3mm thick, but have very weak response to the ironization chamber detector, i, e about 0.02mR/h.
The rays in questionarenot parallel with ordinarily known radiation. The author constructed on earth an experimental system of Bright Vibrators and combined them with the pyramid. As a result of vibration, resonance, Psychic vibrations and flying saucers appeared those which were photographically recorded. The author believes that their experimental system not only contributes for the promotion of psiscience, but also may pulify the sinful earth. The purpose of this paper is to show a method of constructing experimental program along with the author's intention, which in turn may urge most of the psi workers.
* 1st Department of Pathology Shouwa University School of Medieine Reseach Worker.