PSI Vol.4, No 1 September 1979 Thesis 1. pp.2-9.
小川雄二 *、佐々木茂美 **
Some Aspects of Nen-field as Paranormlal phenomena
in the Darken Box during Nen-graphy Process.
(Analysis of Wave Form, Part l )
Shigemi Sasaki *, Yuji Ogawa * *
When the subject made Nen-graphy(thought-graphy)against a Silicon-Photo-Diode(SPD, solar battery) in a darken box, whichwasshielded from light, the output current as paranormal Phenomena produced in the SPD. The rapid variation of the outputcurrent was memorized directly with a high speed digitalwave memory(Transient memory)recorder and then the decelerated figure of the current was recorded with a X-Y chart recorder.
When the experimental room was hghted by fluorescent lamps and an appearanceof Nen-field seemed to be suppressed mentally, the current of SPD during Nen-graphy process included the periodical variation of 0.01 second which was similar to one that was produced from fluorescent lamps light.
On the other hand, when the appearance of Nen-field seemed to be promoted mentally independently of whether the subject was situated inside a photographic darkroom darkened or an experimental room where fluorescent lamps were lighted up brightly, the current of SPD during Nen-graphy process did not indude the periodical variation of 0.01 second as expectedly.
Under these conditions,the value of current was relatively bigger,and further, the subject seemed to be able to control the appearance of Nen-field; the current was produced interruptedly in accordance with his intention, and he could produce the current when the darken box was out of his hand, and was about 1.5 meter distant from him.
Received : July 20, 1979
* Member of PSI-energy Research Committree, The PS Institute of Japan
* * PSI Research Committree, The Univ. of Electo-Comm. (Denki Tsushin Univ.), Chofu, Tokyo 182