PSI Vol.3, No 2 December 1978 Thesis 2. pp.7-14.
Examinations of Paranornlal Phenomena with PSI-spots during Nen-graphy (Thought-graphy) Process by Means of TV-Vidicon-Tube.(The First Report)
Shigemi Sasaki *, Yuji Ogawa **

In thepreceding paper (3), the optical behavior equivalently to normal photoelectric effect of Nen-field as a paranomal phenomena in the darken box has been detected by the output current of Silicon-Photo-Diode (SPD) with 20 mm in diameter.
In this paper, in order to investigate more elaborately the variations of strength (brightness), figure and mobility of two dimensionaI Nen-field (as PSI・spots) during Nen-graphy process, vidicon-Tube tests carried out. When the subject (Mr. Kiyota) made Nen-graphy on the incident area of face plate in Vision TV Camera as shown in Fig.1, which was shielded against light, the output current (as a paranomal phenomena) of vidicon-Tube produced in the vidicon TV Camera, and it was recorded with Video Tape Recorder and observeb by a monitor TV.
Main items of this paper are as follows;(1) Experimental apparatus. (2) Basic state, static charactor and supernormal character of Nen-field. 0ther problems will be reported in the next papers.

Received : August 23, 1978
* PSI Research Committree, The Univ. of Electo-Comm. (Denki Tsushin Univ.), Chofu, Tokyo 182
** NIppon Electric Company, Tamagawa
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