PSI Vol.1, No1 May 1976 Thesis 2. pp.25-31.
By Hideo Uchida
As the result of prudent experiments, it was proved to exist the following phenornena.
The electrical charge is induced corresponding to only the electric field by electro-magnetic radjation energy and have no relation to the magnetic field when a conductor tip is moved in the electric field by the electro-magnetic radiation energy. ln this phenomena, it is difficult to shield isassulned as the Erectric Field lnduction Effect (E.F.I.E.). By a measuring equipment applied the E.F.I.E.,experiments and obsavation of aura phenomena in the life environment are tried. ln cooperation with mediums who can directly observe the aura, it was confirmed to detect and observe the facts of existing aura phenomena around such as animals, plants, minerals, all things in nature or hfe environment, heavenly bodies in the space as well as around all human bodies.
By these matters mentioned above, the riddle of nimbus from the back of Buddha or Awagihara in JapanShinto also become to be solved. And further the following unknown phenomena can also be found. That is, There are some fields similar to the electrostatic fields in the radiation fields of electro-magnetic wave energy. About these phenornena, l would like to bring forward a new problem showing many collected data of experiment.
Received : January 30,1976